Talk about a fun idea! These bucket bikes are taking the world by storm! Click on the image above to learn more.

...means not living without
Update: In this week's "junk mail" you should probably receive two more coupons for back to school shopping (these coupons are only valid August 11-14):
Video Courtesy of
Comment #4:
Congratulations Mary!! Send an email to couponjanet[at]gmail[dot]com with your mailing address. Include the subject line of "Cookbook Winner", and I'll autograph a copy and get it in the mail!
To the non-winning commentors, I now have the ability to sell cookbooks thru my recipe blog, . You can order autographed copies from here. Or you can look for the book at your local bookstore on August 1st!To get the coupon, find your current DVD or VHS copy, and jot down the barcode number (I don't have a copy myself, so I went to a neighbor who did, and copied down the barcode number). Then you can log into Disney Movie Rewards and either sign-up, or enter your account, and from there will be directed where to go to enter your barcode number and print your coupon.
Printed coupons are valid from August 3 - 17, and are only good for the Blu-Ray/DVD combo edition.
I have seen this posted other places, but since I actually did this myself, I'll post about it.
The Bingham Canyon mine (Kennecott Copper) is free to the public until July 25th. Normally it's $5 per car, so it's a great deal. They have a little visitor's center with a short 10 minute video you can watch (and learn) about what goes on at the mine, and how it all works. Plus it was pretty amazing to be able to look down into a 3/4 of a mile hole in the ground!
For more info, go HERE.
Go to and register for their National Burger Month specials. They have three specials going on thru the month of May: