Scenario #1 (I did this 7 times)
2 Reach Ultra Clean Toothbrushes=$6.00 (regularly $7.98)
1 B1G1 coupon from RP
RR Prints:$6.00
Real Total:-$2.61
Scenario #2 (I did this 4 times)
2 Reach Ultra Clean Floss=$6.00 (regularly $7.98)
1 $1.00 off coupon from RP
RR Prints:$6.00
Real Total:-$1.61
In the end I spent $36.90 out of pocket and got $66.00 back in RR.
This is amazing but how do you get more than four coupons
I subscribe to 4 papers, plus my mother, aunt and a few neighbors bring me their coupons as well. The key to getting the best deals is to having multiple coupon inserts (either make friends with the delivery person, or have an arrangement with neighbors and friends to give you their unused coupons, or subscribe to multiple papers). You can also look online for coupons--even eBay has people who sell their coupons for usually about 10% of coupon face value (a dollar off coupon will cost you 10 cents)
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