This week at Albertson's you can purchase select Kellogg's cereal for $1.67 each box IF you buy three. Combine this deal with manufacturer coupons from the Red Plum inserts from Nov. 9th and Dec. 14th. The result: cereal for $0.67 each box. This deal only works if you do ONLY three boxes PER TRANSACTION!!! Otherwise you only get the value of the coupon ($1) off the price.

I did 9 cereals in one transaction. Love the savings.
I don't understand how this works.
I don't get how this works. Please explain. Thanks
Question: Do you have to have thre, $1 off coupons for the three boxes of cereal, or does one $1 coupon take off $3 at checkout? I am little confused at to how this works also.
You need 3 $1.00 off coupons and the sale. The sale is buy 3 and pay $1.67 each box. Add 3 $1.00 off coupons and get $0.67 each box.
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